One day I was bored so I fire up Tinder to check out the talent. There isn't a lot of information about people on that website which I am learning is a blessing and a curse. That is for sure.
This guy hits me up and he works super close to where I live. His pictures were really cute and it just said he is in IT. My immediate thought is that he might be more of an introvert with that profession but why not? Opposites attract.
We go to a bar close to my house and as I walk in, he was so excited to meet me. He was friends with the bartender and he created a super comfortable environment immediately. He was not an introvert at all, he knew everyone in the place!
As we were getting to know each other, I asked him how long he had been divorced. He dodges the question and changes the subject. I said, oh no, we aren't glossing over that. I would like to know.
Well, you guessed it. He is only separated, allegedly. I told him I wish he put that on his profile because we wouldn't be sitting here and he was like, oh no, it's all good. We have been separated for 5 years.
I said, where do you live? Wait for it. He still lives in the house with his wife and kids. In the basement. Allegedly.
I said that situation is too messy for me and I am not interested in exploring any of this. He said, no, you have it all wrong. He said I am so over my wife, I actually took a girl to Vegas recently. He said, funny story with that.
He went on to say he went to Vegas with this other girl from Tinder and they were having a great time. They were at a bar and he said a random girl approached them and said she found his girlfriend attractive.
I said, you can stop telling this story right now and I won't ask another question. He said, no, I want to tell you this story. I, of course, know where it is going...
So, as expected, he said the three of them spent the entire week together. I said, you have to tell me why you are telling me this story, it makes no sense why you would share it? He said, my point is, I want you to know that so you know I have it out of my system. LOL!
So, now I am sitting here with a married man listening to his trysts? No thank you. He also told me he was in New Orleans recently and thought he met a girl when he found out that she was a guy. So, luckily for me, he got that out of his system too.
We then got on the topic of hair. He was telling me that he used to have a Man Bun and just cut it recently. If you saw this guy, you would think he is the most clean-cut man and that seemed very out of character to me. I will find out very shortly, long hair is his thing.
At this point, I thought, it is time to go. You can sell this crazy elsewhere, we are all full here. He said, before you leave, I need to ask you a question.
I said, sure. He said, can you put your hair in Princess Leia buns for me? Wait, what? He repeated it. He said some girls do that for him. I said, no, I will not be putting my hair in Princess Leia buns for you. Have a great night.
Of course, I wasn't even home and he was texting me to go out again. Always the way.
Lesson learned? When a guy leads with crazy, cut your losses. But, not your hair.